Terra-cotta vase for brushes -02/2011

Fully glazed (the light blue areas are covered with clear glaze over multi colored underglazes to make them become bright and glossy), and ready for firing, my latest vase for brushes or pencils patiently awaits to be loaded into the kiln.

Such is the nature of art:  A process of activity and pause, expression and meditation until enough time has lapsed to examine the results of our passion.


About jorgeluissomarriba

I am a professional artist and educator devoted to the exploration of creative processes. My painting and mixed-media's palette stems from the colors of the rainbow. My creative expression in a variety of media (mosaics, paintings, prints, illustrations, murals, collages, ceramics, metal sculptures, memory boxes and hand-made books) reflect my celebration for life, fueled by my passion as I chart my daily journey in art. You may visit my Etsy shop to purchase my original artworks at http://www.etsy.com/shop/CaminodelCielo
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